Easter Craft Day
My name is Emma and today I will be doing some fun and crafty activities about Easter.
Easter is a time of celebration for Christians where lots of us eat chocolate and make Easter crafts such as bonnets and spring animal crafts.
I hope you enjoy all the videos and activities today.
9.30am Activity:
Easter Card
In our first video we’ll be making an Easter card. Once dry, you can give this lovely card to someone in your family or a special friend.
Grown Ups:
Use Emma’s ideas as a starting point for your own Easter card. You can use all of your favourite colours to create a beautiful marbled effect. This develops children’s expressive arts and design.
10.30am Activity:
Easter Bonnet
At Easter we often take part in an Easter bonnet parade. Emma will show you how to make your own bonnet.
Grown Ups:
Wearing Easter bonnets is traditionally linked to wearing new clothes and to all things new and fresh beginnings. Talk with your child about how they would like to decorate their bonnet. Be as creative as you like and show off your creations to your family. This develops children’s expressive arts and design.
1:30pm Activity:
Easter Decorations
At this special time of year it’s really lovely to decorate your home with home made Easter crafts.
Grown Ups:
Follow Emma as she demonstrates how to make Easter bunting. With your child talk about all the different things that happen at Easter time. Use this as inspiration to decorate your own bunting with your own ideas. This develops children’s expressive arts and design and communication and language.
2:30pm Activity:
Easter Bunny Stampers
I love painting and I love bunnies.
Grown Ups:
We are going to paint using a super cute Easter bunny stamper. You can do as many little hopping bunnies as you like and decorate them too. You can make a picture, make some wrapping paper or you can use it to decorate a card. Come up with your own ideas together. This develops children’s expressive arts and design.
Story time:
Five Little Pigs by Jude Lennon
Snuggle up with Jude, Lamby and Flossie for this Nursery Rhyme turned story. Can you work out which Nursery Rhyme it is based on?