Harvest Day
Hello children, Jude, Lamby and Flossie would like to welcome you to 'Harvest Day'. We've got lots of fun activities planned so come and join in.
Today we're going to learn all about Harvest. This is a special time of year when we gather in crops, fruits and vegetables to make sure we have enough to eat over the winter. We'll hear some stories, sing songs, make a fruit salad and sort the shopping. It's going to be a lovely day.
9.30am Activity:
The Little Red Hen
I'm going to re-tell the story of The Little Red Hen. She is a farmer and she tells us about planting seeds, caring for the crops and harvesting them to make food. You can join in with the actions and words.
Grown Ups:
Encourage your children to join in with the actions and repeated words 'Not I' and 'Then I'll do it myself!' Talk about the things the Little Red Hen has to do and highlight the fact that bread is made from flour which comes from wheat, or corn. You could also discuss the fact that we should all help each other.
Use language such as seeds, plant, crops, wheat, cut, grind, flour, mill, bread, harvest.
Develops - Communication & Language, PSHE and Understanding the World skills.
10.30am Activity:
Sorting the Shopping
I've been to get my shopping from the Green Grocer.This is a shop that sells fruit and vegetables. So what's the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? We'll find out. Can you help me to sort my shopping so all the fruits are together and all the vegetables are together?
Grown Ups:
Discuss fruits and vegetables with your child. Encourage them to sort out your own fruit and vegetable and talk about their choices as they do it. I've focused on seasonal veg/fruit that grows at this time of year but you can sort out other fruits/veg from around the world too.
Use language such as fruit and veg names, sort, fruit, vegetables, seeds, eat, grow, seasonal. Develops - Communication & Language, Understanding the World and Maths skills.
1:30pm Activity:
Fruit Salad
I love fruit salad. I've washed my hands and now I'm going to show you how to make a delicious fruit salad using fruits that grow at this time of year.
Grown Ups:
Make your own fruit salad with your child. I used seasonal fruits but if you don't have any you could use other fruit too. Remind your child about washing their hands and being careful with the knife.
Use language such as fruit names, bowl, chopping board, knife, hull, cut, half,
Develops - Language & Communication, Physical, PSHE and Understanding the World skills.
2:30pm Activity:
This is the Way...
You probably know this tune. We're going to sing along and pretend to dig up the veg, pick the fruit or pull up the veg. Can you join in with the words and actions. Maybe you could make up your own verses too.
Grown Ups:
Encourage your child to join in with the words and actions. You can make up your own verses too. This is a lovely way to re-cap fruit and veg which grows at this time of year.
Use language such as - fruit and veg names, dig, pull up, pick,.
Develops - Communication & Language and Understanding the World skills.
Story time:
The Enormous Turnip
Snuggle up for our bedtime story The Enormous Turnip. It's the perfect way to end a day about Harvest.