Today’s Activities
You can do any of these tasks, in any order (but we've suggested a timetable).
Take as long as your little ones want for each task, let them use their imaginations!
Please share your creations with us on social media.
Bounce Back Jack Day
Welcome to our ‘Bounce Back Jack’ activity takeover day. My name is Sarah and I am the creative learning director here at EYFSHome. I am a children’s author and a teacher. Today we are delighted to be joined by Jack Maunder, premiership rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs. Jack and I have written a story together all about bouncing back when things go wrong. First, Jack will be reading the story with some of his teammates. Jack will be teaching us all about the importance of daily routines, exercise and how to keep fit. There is a special interview with Jack, where he shares the importance of resilience at any age and gives us an insight into how he bounces back when times are tough.
9.30am Activity:
Story Reading Of Bounce Back Jack
Jack and his teammates share the story of ‘Bounce Back Jack.’
Grown Ups:
This is an inspirational rhyming tale about how to be your own cheerleader. This uplifting story builds resilience, confidence and teaches children how to bounce back when things go wrong.
Enjoy listening to the story together. Talk with your child about the importance of not giving up and to try again. Share with children that when things go wrong, we can look for the lesson. There is always something we can learn and have the determination to keep going.
10.30am Activity:
Yoga and Stretch Warm Up
We begin the day with yoga to warm up our bodies, which includes some fun animal stretch moves.
Grown Ups:
Follow Jack, Sarah Pretty, Sarah Griffiths and Eva as they take part in this relaxing activity to wake us up and start our day. Sarah begins the activity by sharing the importance of a daily practice. Jack continues the activity with two of the stretches he uses to keep fit and stay supple as a professional rugby player. This supports our physical health, emotional health, and well-being.
1:30pm Activity:
Ball Skills
Jack teaches us some different techniques for throwing and catching a ball.
Grown Ups:
Using a ball, follow Jack’s guidance to play a throwing and catching game. Count five throws and five catches. Work together as a team with your family and remember the importance of supporting and encouraging each other. You can invent your own game with your child to play with a ball. You could use a target or bounce the ball. This activity supports children’s physical development, gross motor skills and develops their understanding of how to work together as a team. It also supports their emotional health and well-being.
2:30pm Activity:
Build Your Fitness Skills
Jack shares some fun, fitness activities we can try together at home as a family.
Grown Ups:
There are so many physical activities we can do to improve our fitness. You can print off the activity cards to use with your child. Remember if you find it difficult, do what Jack does. Take a deep breath and count to 10 to build your resilience. This activity supports children’s physical development, fitness, resilience and confidence.
If you've finished these and still have time for fun...
Bounce Back with Jack
Join Sarah and Jack in this short interview about Jack’s early life as a sportsman and the techniques he uses to bounce back when things go wrong.
Grown Ups:
Ask your child some questions:
What are you good at? Is there something you find difficult? Tell me one new activity you would like to try this year? What do you do when you find things difficult?