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Today’s Activities

You can do any of these tasks, in any order (but we've suggested a timetable).
Take as long as your little ones want for each task, let them use their imaginations! 

Please share your creations with us on social media.

Christmas Clothes Day

Hello, my name is Gemma Everson and I am a children’s author, a teacher and also a mum. My girls and I love having fun around this time of year in our best dressed jumpers. We also love dressing up as our favourite Nativity characters. Today we will be having lots of fun designing and making our own Christmas t-shirts. We will also be dressing up as Nativity characters and retelling the Christmas story.

9.30am Activity:
Design a Christmas T-shirt

Let’s begin by designing our own t-shirts using the template provided. Think about what picture, colours and message you would like on it. Maybe copy the pictures from a Christmas card or from a book.

Grown Ups:
Talk about images associated with Christmas and help your child to select a design. Help them to think about the colours and what extra bits they might like to add such as tinsel and bows.

10.30am Activity:
Make a Christmas T-shirt

For this activity you will need an old t-shirt, some permanent markers and any decorations you want to add. Carefully copy your design to make a fantastic t-shirt.

Grown Ups:
This activity will help your child to be creative and observant as they carefully copy their design. Help your child to join the decorations to the t-shirt with glue or even a stapler.

1:30pm Activity:
Dressing Up for The Nativity

Do you know the story of the very first Christmas? We call it the Nativity story. Gemma and her girls will explore the characters and dress up ready to retell the story in their next activity.

Grown Ups:
This activity will help your child to take on a role, to dress themselves and to learn more about this special time of year in the Christian faith.

2:30pm Activity:
Retelling The Christmas Story

Now we are all dressed up, we are going to retell the Christmas story. You could do this in costume, with puppets or with figures from the Nativity story if you have them.

Grown Ups:
This activity will help your child to listen carefully and follow a story. Your child might like to think about how the characters felt or what they might have said at different parts of the story.

If you've finished these and still have time for fun...

If you would like to do a little bit more, perhaps you might like to draw some pictures of the Nativity story and make them into your own book.

Advent Poems by Little Lamb Tales

Today is December 11th - Share this short Advent poem with your child called: Christmas Jumper Day

Story time:
A Jumper for Sheepie by Little Lamb Tales 
Day 11.png
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