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Today’s Activities

You can do any of these tasks, in any order (but we've suggested a timetable).
Take as long as your little ones want for each task, let them use their imaginations! 

Please share your creations with us on social media.

Christmas Stories Day

My name is Susanne and I am a children’s author.  Welcome to our EYFS day full of Christmas stories and activities.


From the mouth of a lazy, stubborn donkey to the twitterings of a humble little bird, we will be looking at some very different versions of what really went on (behind the scenes) at the very first Christmas.


We will be looking at how we could tell our versions of the Christmas story. We will be learning how to sequence a story from the beginning to the end. We will be finding out who St Nicholas is and how to make a finger puppet out of a pair of old socks.

9.30am Activity:
The Donkey's First Christmas

I share my story about  an adorable donkey’s very first Christmas.

Grown Ups:
This is a lovely time to listen to stories with your child. This Christmas story is from the perspective of the Donkey, a very unlikely hero. We find out about how he uses his talents to help Mary carry her baby to the stable. Talk together about this beautiful story.

10.30am Activity:
Sequencing Donkey's Story

Now you have heard Donkey’s story, can you arrange the story from the beginning to the ending? 

Grown Ups:
Using the original illustrations, we will arrange ‘The Donkey’s First Christmas’ story into Four different sections. Talk with your child about the order of events in the story.

1:30pm Activity:
The Robin's First Christmas

Come and listen to another of my stories. This story is from the perspective of a little robin. He has a very important role to play to help the baby Jesus.

Grown Ups:
Listen to the story together with your child and talk about what happened from the perspective of the robin. What is very special about the robin?

2:30pm Activity:
Making a Robin

Lets make our own robin from the story. You will need two coloured socks, scissors and some stickers.

Grown Ups:
We are going to make a finger puppet to go with our robin from today’s story. Now you have made your puppet, you can retell the story. This is a lovely way for children to use their imagination. It supports children to develop their story language, to be imaginative and creative too.

If you've finished these and still have time for fun...

Watch the video of the Christmas story from the point of view of the sheep.

Encourage your child to find a cuddly toy of their choice.  Ask them to tell you what really happened behind the scenes at the very first Christmas. Encourage them to talk as if they are the animal or toy they are holding. 

As children develop confidence in storytelling, they could share different versions of the same story from the point of view of: an inn-keeper, ox, cow or wiseman’s camel.


I would love to hear any donkey’s, sheep or cows who’d like to tell their versions of the first Christmas?

You can contact me via my social media:

Facebook @stschroder

Twitter stschroder

Instagram stschroder

Advent Poems by Little Lamb Tales

Today is December 2nd - Share this short Advent poem with your child called: Christmas Tree

Day 2.png
Story time:
Find out about St Nicholas and why he gave presents in secret, as I share the real story of ‘St Nicholas’. 
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