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Teddy Bears Picnic

We can’t celebrate National Picnic Month without enjoying our own Teddy Bears Picnic Day. So grab your favourite furry friend and join us for a day of fun!

Picnic Planning

For our first activity, we will be thinking about what we will pack in our picnic basket. Use play food, real food or pictures to discuss what is needed. What foods do you like or dislike? Is there anything we shouldn’t take?  Why?

Grown Ups: Teach your child new vocabulary for foods that they do not yet know.

Ordering Teddies

It’s time to gather your furry friends together for the picnic. Have a go at putting them in size order or sorting them according to colour or type of animal.

Grown Ups: Teach your child new vocabulary for foods that they do not yet know.

Making Sandwiches

Pick a favourite sandwich filling and allow your child to make a sandwich all by themselves. Discuss what they will need before getting started and then let them independently use the tools to scoop and spread the jam and finally slice the bread.

Grown Ups: After this, you might like to swap roles and let your child give you verbal instructions. This will help them to develop their speaking and listening skills. 

Picnic Time

Now you have your food and guests it is time to have a picnic. Make sure your guests use their very best manners and encourage your child to ask them questions such as “What would you like to drink?”


To extend this activity further you could make some decorations for the picnic, maybe collect some flowers from the garden. You could write an invitation to your teddy bears letting them know when and where the picnic is.

Erfelpip and Percival Popplethwaite

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