Senses Day
My name is Georgie and I am a dancer. Today we are having a fun filled day learning about our five senses! We will be doing some fun craft activities and using our sense of taste and smell. I can’t wait to get started.
Scavenger Hunt
We are going to go on a scavenger hunt around the house and see what different textures, colours and other interesting things we can find!
Look with your child for something crunchy, something red, something soft, something cold, something warm, something noisy and something smelly. How many interesting items can you find? You can come up with your own fun ideas too.
This activity supports children’s language and communication and teaches them about their senses.
Sound Shaker
In this activity we are going to make a shaker! Grab an empty container, some lentils and let’s get shaking!
Look with your child for something crunchy, something red, something soft, something cold, something warm, something noisy and something smelly. How many interesting items can you find? You can come up with your own fun ideas too.
This activity supports children’s language and communication and teaches them about their senses.
Smelling Challenge
Prepare your items ready to smell and pop your blindfold on!
Prepare different foods that your child can smell. How many items can they identify just from their smell? You can keep a score and both take part in the challenge. This activity supports children to use their sense of smell and develops their language and communication.
Taste Test
Similar to the smelling test, pop your blindfold on and get tasting!
Prepare different foods that you would like your child to taste. See how many different foods they can identify by their taste and texture. You can do this challenge together and score points for each food you recognise. This activity supports children’s sense of taste and develops their language and communication.